Introduction To Hoodoo

Hoodoo is a unique branch of beliefs, lore, stories and traditions that were designed to help integrate us into an environment filled with plants, animals, elements, and an array of spirits. Hoodoo took roots in the Americas during slavery times using plants and other resources available while also borrowing from the ancient wisdom of the…

Strega Beliefs

(The “Corno”, devil’s horn, protects from bad luck.) The Evil Eye (Malocchio) The Evil Eye, or Malocchio, is one of the most ancient and widespread superstitions of the whole Mediterranean basin. Every culture seems to have their own version of the Evil Eye and their own ways to fight it. One thing they all have in common: the Evil…

Fire In The Clearing

Fire in the clearing.. Journey’s the thirsty deer alone but never lonely Dawn erasing shadows on the speckled back of a hungry wolf’s undoing A downed limb roars in the night it’s embers in concert playing hot and up to the trees; the clearing’s holier than a steeple, ever bearing witness, granting views on sparkled…

I Believe In Impossible Things

I carry this photo with me wherever I go. Not because I like to look at myself, or because I miss being 11. I carry it with me because I use it as a reminder to keep my childlike heart. Back then I was full of innocence and believed in Santa, Fairies, enchanted places, and…

Living A Wanderlust Life

I once met a 65 year old Irish man who, 10 years earlier, had decided to embark on the backpacking trip he had never taken in his youth. He was one of the most enlightened people I have ever met. Did you know Hinduism actually promotes running away. It says that after 20 years of societal…

The European Witch Burnings 

The “witches” of Europe were women and men from villages all across Europe who were involved with their indigenous spiritual traditions. Each small village in Europe had its own rich customs about the natural world and the unseen realms. These traditions arose organically from the ecosystem itself. The place, the trees, the mountains, the water,…

Goddess Diana and the Lake of the Mirror of the Moon

Diana is the Goddess of the Amazons. Diana is the Roman name for the Greek Goddess Artemis. She has two hounds that escort and protect her. She rules over the wild forests. She is a huntress. The Goddess Diana is essential to the Streghe. She is the patron Saint of the witches. All Streghe are…

The Triple God

The three phases of womanhood are called the Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. These are archetypal energies of the Goddess that also show up as stages in a woman’s life. How about a Triple God? Remember, in the Streghe tradition there are male Stregone as well. In Italian Witchcraft, Raven Grimassi explains how in…